Advisor: Jackie Wright
    President: Hayden Grose
    Buddy Director: Karen Hughes
    Vice President: Addison Benz

    We focus on forming meaningful friendships by creating one-to-one matches between a student with an IDD (intellectual or developmental disability) and a general education peer who shares similar interests. 
    Swing by the bulletin board in the West Wing to see what’s been happening.
    Come to a meeting of Best Buddies-we meet every Monday after Office Hours in W160.

    Please complete the sign-up requirements as soon as possible. The sooner we have everyone signed up, the sooner we can begin matching friends and planning our fun activities.   NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. 

    1. Join our Google Classroom!

    Enter this code: 2wnqjhz

    1. Register Online*--New and Returning members must complete this step every year.

    Register on the BB360 platform.
    Go to: bestbuddies.org/join 

    Twitter/Instagram: BBRTHS193
    Hashtags: #RTHSBestBuddies 
    Email: jwright@rths193.org
    Voicemail: 217-892-2151 ext. 6080
    Twitter:  BBRTHS193
    Facebook:  Rths Best Buddies

    Join our Google Classroom
    Enter this code: 2wnqjhz

    We will post announcements and updates to keep you informed about all of the upcoming activities. 

    Parent Volunteers
    If you are interested in helping with all or some of our activities, we would really appreciate it! Here are a few ideas to get started:

    • Carpooling to and from events outside of RTHS High School

    • Donations for activities

    • Chaperoning activities

    • Participating in Chapter fundraisers

    • Communicate with your child’s buddy and his/her parents to set up hangouts outside of school!

    BEST BUDDIES Mission
    Best Buddies is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1989 by Anthony K. Shriver, Best Buddies is a vibrant, international organization that has grown from one original chapter to almost 1,500 middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. Best Buddies programs engage participants in each of the 50 United States, and in 50 countries around the world. Best Buddies positively impacts nearly 700,000 individuals with and without disabilities worldwide. (Visit bestbuddies.org for more information about this amazing organization.)

    What is a buddy?
    A buddy is a student in the special education program who is interested in making new friends, participating in social activities, and is ready to experience some unforgettable moments and great memories!

    What is a peer buddy?
    Peer Buddies are students in general education who are partnered with students in the special education program.  

    Peer buddies will exchange contact information with their buddies and their parents. This will allow all to schedule convenient hangouts, transportation to and from activities as well as improve their friendships with their buddies. Peer buddies are required to make contact (call, stop by the classroom, send text, etc.) once a week and hang out at least twice a month (eat lunch with them at school, hang out on the weekends or come to activities with them). 

    *If you cannot register online, we can provide a printed copy of the Membership Application Packet with the consent forms. Contact Mrs. Wright or Ms. Hughes to receive a hard copy of the forms instead of the online versions.